Why Gemstones?

A follow-on from Calm Blue C’s Affirmation and Gemstone Healing Bracelets…

Based on the unique crystalline structure, each crystal has a specific type of energy in its vibration. Their stable energy frequency is able to “tune” areas of our bodies to their own for a complete healthy balance.

Like affirmations, once you find the gem that suits your physical, mental or metaphysical needs they can be beneficial in improving or balancing these areas.

Light is the only form of energy visible to the human eye

Are gemstones for everyone?

Yes, why not? They are beautiful to look at and have the added bonus of balancing out your body’s frequencies to help promote wellbeing

When using gemstones, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Be sure your stones have been cleansed

Your intentions should be set

Keep the stones close or wear gemstone jewellery

Have confidence in the results

Cleanse regularly, once a month should be enough, use your intuition whether or not more frequent cleansing  is needed

1 thought on “Why Gemstones?”

  1. Pingback: Calm Blue C’s Affirmation and Gemstone Healing Bracelets – Calm Blue C

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